Why Kashmiri Saffron Should Be Your Beauty Routine
In Ayurveda, Kashmir Original Saffron is grouped under “Varnya Gana”, the category of herbs that are known to give the skin a warm, glowing complexion. The spice is considered Tridoshic in that it balances all Doshas. It is also known as a wonderful anti-oxidant to flush toxins out of the body and skin, is a soothing anti-inflammatory, and encourages blood circulation. The fragrant spice saffron, known as 'kesar' in Hindi, might be the most expensive spice in the world. Besides being used to flavour special dishes, Original kesar has been known to possess numerous beauty benefits. It has been a time-honoured ingredient in nurturing skin, making it blemish free and radiant. Read on to find out the beauty benefits of original saffron. Fighting acne With its amazing anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, saffron is an ideal ingredient for treating acne and breakouts. It holds medicinal properties which can help in clearing up acne prone skin. Take 5-6 fresh basil leaves...