
Health Benefits and Side Effects of Kashmiri Saffron by Kashmir Villa

Kashmiri Saffron is a spice from the Crocus sativus flower, which is a cousin of the lily. The saffron derives from the stigma and styles — called threads — within the flower itself. Kashmiri Saffron is very expensive due to the difficulty of harvesting it. Farmers must harvest the delicate threads from each flower by hand. They then heat and cure the threads to bring out the flavor of the saffron. This extra labor makes saffron one of the most expensive spices in the world. Health Benefits Kashmiri Saffron Hair Loss Remedy :  You must have used a number of natural ingredients like lemon, curd, Fuller’s earth, etc., to prevent hair loss, but did you know that using a paste made of saffron and candlenut can promote hair growth? Just apply it for 20 minutes and wash it off with regular water. Cures Cough :  You can get some much needed relief from a persisting cough and cold by just drinking some warm water with saffron infused in it. Prevents Diabetes:   Saffron extracts ...

Why Kashmiri Saffron Should Be Your Beauty Routine

In Ayurveda, Kashmir Original Saffron is grouped under “Varnya Gana”, the category of herbs that are known to give the skin a warm, glowing complexion. The spice is considered Tridoshic in that it balances all Doshas. It is also known as a wonderful anti-oxidant to flush toxins out of the body and skin, is a soothing anti-inflammatory, and encourages blood circulation. The fragrant spice saffron, known as 'kesar' in Hindi, might be the most expensive spice in the world. Besides being used to flavour special dishes, Original kesar has been known to possess numerous beauty benefits. It has been a time-honoured ingredient in nurturing skin, making it blemish free and radiant. Read on to find out the beauty benefits of original saffron. Fighting acne With its amazing anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, saffron is an ideal ingredient for treating acne and breakouts. It holds medicinal properties which can help in clearing up acne prone skin. Take 5-6 fresh basil leaves...

Health Benefits of Kesar Milk and Kesar ka Paani (Saffron Water)

Kashmiri Saffron or Kashmiri Kesar is a popular spice in India and is often used in preparing different Indian dishes. Saffron is loaded with antioxidants that are great for your health. From improving your skin complexion to keeping blood pressure in control, saffron has some amazing health benefits. Health and only health should be prioritised in this period of lockdown. Everywhere, people are looking for ways to boost their immunity and keep their strength. Do you know drinking saffron milk or kesar ka paani (saffron water) is really beneficial for your health? Kesar doodh or saffron water is a great drink, loaded with nutrients that you need to maintain your overall health. Here are some benefits of drinking saffron milk and water to know why you should be including it in your diet.: Protection Against Cold Kashmiri Kesar is an effective tonic to treat cold and fever. According to Macrobiotic nutritionist and Health practitioner Shilpa Arora, saffron mixed in milk and applied o...